Last day of 29th grade

Last Day of 29th Grade!

Let me paint a picture that seems totally normal and reasonable…

…until you actually stop to think about it.

13 years of early/primary/secondary education (K-12)

4 years of undergraduate education ($$)

3-4 years of medical education ($$$$)

1 year of internship (low wage, high stress, long hours, work for someone else)

2-6 years of residency training (still low wage, high stress, long hours, work for someone else)

In some cases, 1-3 years of fellowship training (still relatively low wage, high stress, long hours, work for someone else)

Total education/training time: 24-31 years 😳

Total cost ($ and opportunity): 😵

…then just get a “job,” work for someone else, and make them wealthy.

Totally normal, right?

If you’re an employed doctor in the U.S. and aren’t quite feeling right, there are many reasons for that.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Last day of 29th grade






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