Category: Finance

  • How Much Does This Cost?

    How Much Does This Cost?

    When you’re a consumer, “How much does this cost?” should be a simple question with a simple answer. Inside Big Box Medicine, however, it rarely is. Why? Come on. They don’t want you to see those prices.  And, who cares, right? Your health insurance will take care of it! Ha… I’m showing a bill from…

  • So You’ve Been (Abruptly) Terminated…

    So You’ve Been (Abruptly) Terminated…

    I discussed, among other things, my without cause, abrupt termination by my employer on the October 28, 2023 episode of The Podcast by KevinMD. I’m grateful to Kim Downey, a fierce advocate for physicians, and Kevin Pho, M.D., for facilitating this important conversation and helping bring it to a larger audience. Doctors need to know their jobs…

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