Entrepreneurship: The Critical Tool Missing From The Modern Physician’s Bag

Physicians are life-long learners. It’s in our DNA. But most of us are lacking a critical tool: entrepreneurship knowledge and skill.

Over time, we become stuck inside the box of “approved” Continuing Medical Education options.

These options are becoming better as enterprising physician entrepreneurs create resources for their fellow physicians, part of which do have CME approval, but most of us are still stuck in the box.

Adding entrepreneurship to the other tools in the modern physician’s medical bag is a must if you want to have a thriving, balanced, and sustainable practice. This takes investment in education.

I’m grateful to MCDEVCO, a local community development organization here in Marathon County, and entrepreneurs and community leaders like Kimm Weber (Executive Director of MCDEVCO and co-founder/owner of the fantastic Timekeeper Distillery) and other MCDEVCO team members for working so hard to provide resources for our budding entrepreneurs.

A twist of fate and a thoughtful community member led me to finding out about the GEARS (Growth, Entrepreneurs, Accessible, Resources, Support) Certificate of Entrepreneurial Excellence just days before the end of the application window for the current cohort.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to be back in (night) school. Being in a room for a couple hours a week full of other local entrepreneurs is inspiring and invigorating. It’s a great opportunity to learn the stuff they definitely do not teach in med school. I can’t wait for the “Dolphin Tank” event that concludes the 12-week program (but I do welcome 🦈, too).

I’m also grateful to my wonderful wife for flying solo at home during those couple hours a week during this time; it takes a village.

How are you thinking outside the box for your continuing education (medical or otherwise)? Let us know in the comments.



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