Prepare To Unload

Docs — Do you sometimes feel like this “PREPARE TO UNLOAD” sign is posted next to every chair in your waiting room? 

(Aside: the “waiting room” needs a major rebrand and makeover, more on that later.)

I saw this during a near-perfect walk in the woods with my dog yesterday. It struck me immediately.

Find work that makes you feel valued for the enormous responsibility you take on and challenges you face every time you show up and give your all.

Don’t underestimate the significance of your daily grind despite the metrics and clicks if you are still subject to them.

Acknowledge how far you’ve come, how hard you’ve worked, and what you and your family have sacrificed for the privilege of serving in this way.

Establish proper and healthy boundaries with management (whether that’s you or someone else), staff, and patients/clients/consumers, but never forget you don’t know everything someone is going through that could be influencing their behavior.

Look for signs.

Let us know if this resonates with you.






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