Using time blocking to constrain email time

Time Blocking — If You Don’t Control Your Email, It Will Control You

My calendar in 2024 is going to look way different than it did in 2023.

And I mean that as much in a literal sense as in a figurative one.

Use your calendar to visualize your day.

Prioritize and schedule your non-negotiables. (Business, of course, but don’t forget the 4 Fs: fitness, family, fun, food).

Constrain the attention sucks like email that love Parkinson’s Law — the idea that work expands to fill the time available.

Using time blocking to constrain email time

And make time for all 4 types of professional time: management, creation, consumption, ideation (credit to Sahil Bloom).

As an employed dermatologist, I had virtually no time or energy for anything but management (read: seeing patients — I consider this management rather than creation), and my employer didn’t seem to value anything other than that from physician employees, or “providers” as they like to call us no matter how much we protest.

No wonder I didn’t feel like I was thriving despite having great relationships with my patients and team.

This year, I commit to having more balance. I’ll make progress and have a sense of thriving as a result of it. And I’ll make a difference in people’s lives, including my own.

To help make that happen, I’ll be putting it on the calendar.



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