Tag: leadership
The (He)art Of Active Listening
It’s a bit ironic that I’m writing about this in the parking lot before my twice monthly Toastmasters meeting (shout out Wausau chapter 782), but it makes sense to me. I had the pleasure of touring around San Francisco recently with my then 3-year-old son. What a magical and memorable time. I snapped this photo while we…
Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast
You may have heard the business maxim, usually attributed to Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” This doesn’t mean strategy isn’t important. It means culture is more foundational and thus more related to the likelihood of long-term organizational success than strategy. The Eagles-Rams game on Sunday (Go Birds! 🦅) reminded me of this. During…
Becoming A Toastmaster: Here’s To Mastering The Art of Communication!
On September 21, 2023, I became a Toastmaster in an effort to improve my communication skills, meet new people, and have some fun. This is the start of something, not the culmination. Communication skills are of paramount importance for any business owner and leader. If you don’t actively work to improve your communication skills, you…
Coaching and Radical Accountability: A Starbucks Story
I recently heard a young Starbucks manager coaching one of her employees who recently had a difficult interaction with a customer. They were both quite young, probably mid twenties and late teens, respectively. The manager said, “I take accountability for things I didn’t do all the time.” That’s leadership. It’s also radical ownership and accountability.…